Friday, November 29, 2019

Mr. Essays (1321 words) - Urban Studies And Planning,

Urban Sprawl: Pro and Con The term "urban sprawl" has a bad ring to it. The name reinforces the view that metropolitan growth is ugly, inefficient, and the cause of traffic congestion and environmental harm. Before we decide we are against urban sprawl, however, we should be clear about what it is and why we do not like it. Once we look at its specific characteristics, we can recognize their causes and what, if anything, to do about them. My study of metropolitan growth indicates that three kinds of development are typical of what we call "urban sprawl." They include: leapfrog development, strip or ribbon development, and low-density, single-dimensional development. Let us look at each type in turn. Leapfrog development occurs when developers build new residences some distance from an existing urban area, bypassing vacant parcels located closer to the city. In other words, developers choose to build on less expensive land farther away from an urban area rather than on more costly land closer to the city. Because land prices are lower, housing in these developments is more affordable. Some people decide to accept longer commutes in exchange for more comfortable, lower-priced housing. What few people realize is that leapfrog development nurtures compact commercial development-retail stores, offices, and businesses. The empty parcels that have been "leapfrogged" create an ideal location for commercial activity. It is a fact of economic life that developers are reluctant to place new commercial buildings on the outskirts of an urban area because these areas lack a large market to draw shoppers from. When new development bypasses vacant land, however, the land in between is suddenly accessible to more people and thus attractive to commercial developers. Thus, leapfrogging is a vital part of development in growing areas. Leapfrog development does create some extra costs. Infrastructure must be extended farther and the longer distance creates more traffic and longer commutes into the city. For a leapfrog development to be cost-effective, the outlying development must pay the full costs of the infrastructure it requires. It is the responsibility of local governments to see that the costs of water, sewer, roads, and so forth are charged to the development.(1) As long as the new residents pay their share of the costs, leapfrog development benefits those who choose to live there and encourages commercial development at the edge of the urban area. Strip or ribbon development, the second category, takes place when extensive commercial development occurs in a linear pattern along both sides of major arterial roadways. Like other aspects of urban sprawl, it is viewed as ugly and as a cause of traffic congestion, since shoppers and workers are often entering into and exiting from the street. Yet strip development has its benefits. It brings together businesses that depend on high auto traffic. In fact, strips reduce overall traffic, since fewer cars must travel long distances from store to store or office to office. Strip development also creates natural locations for residential development. Between the commercial arteries, residential streets can have relatively little traffic yet be conveniently located near commerce. In many situations, strip or ribbon development does cause problems, but the reason is poor planning. Every business fifty feet from another business does not have to have a driveway opening onto a major thoroughfare, creating congestion as people enter and leave. Access lanes can be built to permit the smooth merging of traffic entering and leaving. Nor does strip development have to be unsightly. If the rightof- way is wide enough, landscaped buffers can separate the road from the businesses. To achieve this separation, though, governments must plan ahead to secure sufficient rights-of-way for major streets before they are built. The third characteristic of "urban sprawl" is low-density, single-dimensional development. This is typified by large residential subdivisions. Houses are situated on relatively large lots, with only other houses nearby. Residents must drive nearly everywhere they go. Critics say that low-density developments take up too much space, especially space that ought to be preserved in a pristine state. They say that they lengthen commuting distances, and, in general, that they harm the environment. Low-density developments do take up space and may increase driving time. However, they have an important argument in their favor: People like them. Low density means more room and

Monday, November 25, 2019

Domestic Violence In The Book Of David Social Work Essays

Domestic Violence In The Book Of David Social Work Essays Domestic Violence In The Book Of David Social Work Essay Domestic Violence In The Book Of David Social Work Essay 1. In the Book of David by Richard Gelles, there were four state of affairss in which David s instance fell through the clefts of the societal public assistance system. The first cleft was household saving. They did more to maintain the household together than to assist the kid instances like his happens because of household saving policies. The societal workers and tribunal system interpreted sensible attempts to intend perfectly all attempts. The societal workers had to make whatever possible to set childs back, even when it meant seting the kid s life in danger. Furthermore, Gelles was seeking to convey that household saving policies did more excessively wounded kids than assist them. Harmonizing to Gelles the basic defect in the kid public assistance system is that it has two contradictory ends: protecting kids and continuing households . The 2nd cleft in the instance dealt with two anon. calls saying David was being abused. However, they were overlooked and he remained wit h his parents. The calls were made to the CANT Hotline stating David Edwards was pale and scraggy and had acquired a chipped cubitus. The company besides stated that the parents were violent and how an older kid was removed from the place because of physical maltreatment. Furthermore, there were no place visits, no follow-up, or any monitoring of David Edwards. About six hebdomads subsequently, another call was made to the Hotline stating that David was neglecting . Furthermore, it was suggested that picket and skinny or an hurt to the cubitus did non connote he was in pending danger. Besides, the beginning of an anon. company is normally considered the least dependable of all beginnings. The 3rd cleft in the instance was because of David s physician Mr. Tanner. The first two visits after David was born were instead good. He seemed healthy and he was deriving weight like normal. However, the 3rd visit there was important intuitions of an unhealthy babe. David was less than twelve lbs which means he lost a whole lb which is unusual at this phase. It is normally considered a failure to boom which is a signifier of disregard. However, Dr. Tanner thought possibly the weight recorded in the 2nd visit was an mistake. In add-on, Darlene s depression was a noteworthy early warning mark every bit good. She would state Dr. Tanner how she felt trapped at place all twenty-four hours with David. However, he did non hold adequate information to justify an intercession. As the visits continued, David s weight fluctuated which was non normal for a babe. During the 8th visit, Dr. Tanner observed a contusion that was little on the upper arm of David but nil else on his organic structure. The following month he noticed new Markss. They were little every bit good and David now has some little broken blood vass on his left forearm. Darlene had no accounts to where they came from. Last, although Dr. Tanner was concerned and scheduled a visit in two hebdomads he suggested they wer e normal bumps and contusions that childs get. The last and the worst cleft in this instance were non sing past behaviour of the Edwards household. After the anon. calls, a instance worker was assigned to David Edwards. The social worker assigned to his instance was non trained really good and were likely the chief cause of David s decease. The first social worker was Justine Peters who was assigned to the instance three yearss after the 2nd anon. call. She was cognizant that the Edwards household was an unfastened instance and had cognition of Marie. However, harmonizing to Gelles, she claimed she did non desire any information to interfere with an nonsubjective probe . This determination was critical on her portion because she was go forthing out the construct of past behaviour. Not to reference, she had some concern about David but neer told Dr. Tanner about Marie so he was unaware of the history of maltreatment in the Edwards household. Finally, after everything that Justine k nows, she did non believe David should be taken away from his parents. 2. The exclusive intent of reuniting the household is to assist maintain the kid place with the household instead than traveling them to further places. It is really debatable to reunite them after a suspected or documented incident of maltreatment for many grounds. There are so many instances because the definition of maltreatment and disregard are so obscure that every small thing can be considered maltreatment or disregard. Therefore, the kids and their households who need aids are non being recognized or taken attention of. False claims are go forthing bureaus with limited resources and kids being overlooked because they are non acquiring to their instance quick sufficiency or at all. In add-on, the instance worker needs to come up with a sensible attempt to offer household services. However, with the immense instance tonss, the social worker can and will non run into their agenda assignments. For this, the kid and the parents do non acquire the aid they need. Therefore, being ab le to better the preparation of kid public assistance social workers should be put in drama. Another job is that the kid public assistance system is household focused instead than child focussed. Since the childs are so immature and can non state us what happened or support themselves, the rights of the parents have greater weight. It is besides hard to protect kids from those opprobrious parents. Not everyone wants to alter the manner they are. These parents may non even think they did anything incorrect. For this, they may be hesitating to any sort of remedy and be even more violent for non being able to see their kid. On the other manus, they may seek to alter themselves but backsliding and travel into the same form. No social worker or individual in the universe can do person alteration when they do nt desire to. I wholly agree with Gelles that reuniting households is debatable every bit good as protecting kids from their opprobrious parents. Bing able to seek to reunite is a good thought in itself but non everyone is unfastened to alter. Abusive behaviour can be something that is from the yesteryear or something familial and for this it can non be changed. In the instance of Marie and Edward, Darlene abused Marie and she still continued to make it to Edward. Darlene was non receptive to alter and nil was traveling to alter her behaviour. Yes, doing the attempt is ever a good thing to reunite the household. However, if there are no alterations or any nexus of a opportunity for alteration so the kid should non be with the parents. The kid public assistance system needs to be more child-centered instead than family-centered. If it was, kids could be available for acceptance much earlier in their lives when they need to be loved and nurtured before they been hurt or go on to be hurt. 3. There are five phases of alteration a individual can travel through. The first phase consists of a individual non seeing their behaviours as a job and for that they do non necessitate to alter. The 2nd phase is where the individual or individuals recognize that yes there is a job and see altering but do non yet do it. The 3rd phase is where they decide to alter their behaviours and take small stairss to fix for the 4th phase. That is where the individual has changed and put actions to their ideas in the 2nd phase. They are now taking to partake in new activities every bit good as developing new accomplishments and attacks. The 5th phase is when the individual has clearly engaged in their new behaviour for awhile and is committed to keep it. Harmonizing to Gelles, many social workers say they do all they can to supply their aid but the households do non look to alter. This is because they are non developing a technique to fit the alteration with the hazard rating. This is why Gelles says that intercessions can work merely if they are matched to a client s phase of alteration . If the social worker is unsure of the alteration in behaviours during the rating they will neer detect anything. For illustration, when one of the social workers in David s instance was seeking to supply services to the household Edward would maintain refusing and stating they were non traveling to take David off. However, they ever gave in which would do them portion of the 2nd phase where the individual recognizes a jobs and considers to alter. Nevertheless, the household neer goes beyond that phase and makes any attempt or stairss to really make something. 4. Child maltreatment and disregard are non limited to a certain faith or race or ethnicity or economic position. Child maltreatment and neglect happens to any type of child hapless or rich, black or white. One of the most of import actions of a province authorities is how it cares for its kids. Furthermore, Virginia high spots parental outreach and instruction every bit good as protection for abused kids. Furthermore, there are five types of maltreatment that are recognized by Virginia: physical, sexual, emotional, neglect and substance-exposed neonates. Virginia takes on many actions to care for the kid every bit good as the household involved in any of these behaviours. The province of Virginia is both household and kid focused for many grounds. First off there is CPS who identify and supply services to protect the kids and continue the households and forestall farther ill-treatment. They besides maintain a database of all the kids and households that were provided services for. This is good for the kids, because it helps the kid from acquiring farther maltreated. In add-on, since the household is in the database already, if they have another kid they can be watched over and evaluated unlike the David and Marie instances. Besides for kids they have acceptance and Foster attention bureaus. Virginia has many types of acceptance and each of them the parent s rights are terminated. This is really good for the kid because they wo nt be abused any longer by the parents. The parent would besides non be able to happen them and seek to ache them. On the other manus, if they are non put into an acceptance bureau, Virginia has two types of licensed residential installations for kids. The first type is the kid lovingness establishments where kids can populate but the financess are through parents or legal defenders. Opposed to that, there are the kids s residential installations. They provide 24 hr attention of the kids placed there through household ratings. Therefore, the legal defender or parents sign off on this through a comprehensive service act. Last, the concluding service they have for kids is services for older young person. This fundamentally assists childs who were in surrogate attention from ages fourteen to 21 to develop the necessary accomplishments to be independent outside Foster attention. It to boot gives instruction chances such as college grants and tuition payments. Second, there are the family-oriented services by the province of Virginia. The Virginia Child and Family Services Plan is a program dedicated to maintaining the household together. Virginia made this program to increase lasting household relationships for the kids. The footing of the service besides centers on holding the kid achieve their greatest prospective. The households that are involved get encouraged to give support to their kids. The Virginia kid and household service is household focused in every manner. They want to maintain the kids with their households every bit good as aid the household to desire to alter and be better for their kids. Virginia besides has household battle plans which keep the household every bit involved as possible in the kid or kids s lives. The major end is to do the parents spouses to the system. The parents should be involved in everything that trades with their kids in order to continue the households. The kids should cognize who their parents a re and see how much they are seeking to be in their lives as they grow up. Some people can see this as a good plan because it could perchance cut down the figure of households that have their kid removed from their place. Furthermore, it besides decreases the sum of clip of a kid be out of the place at such a immature age. Last, Virginia has a promoting safe and stable households plan. The intent of this plan is to forestall unneeded separation of kids and their households from their places. Another end to this program is to better services and attention towards the household and give the kid a lasting place with their parents or any other lasting life agreement through acceptance and so on. All in all, the province of Virginia is both family-focused every bit good as child-centered. They have plans that fit both thoughts and the plans seem as if they are really successful. Even with the family-focused plans, if they do non see a alteration they will make something for the kid instead than go on and go on until they see a alteration so that the kid can remain with the household. I feel that Virginia is in a good way with the plans they have made. 5. The intent of mandated coverage is to fundamentally place suspected maltreatment and disregard in kids every bit shortly as possible. As a consequence, they can be protected from extra hurt. Mandated newsmans play an extremely critical function in forestalling future injury to a kid. This is because kid protective services can non move until a study is made and sent. Additionally, some provinces think that since childs come in contact with so many grownups that they all should be a mandated newsman. However, in other provinces such as Virginia, it is a more confined list of people. Some of these people are: 1 ) instructors or anyone employed in a public or private school 2 ) societal workers 3 ) nurses 4 ) probation officers 5 ) mental wellness professionals 6 ) any individual licensed to pattern medicate 7 ) jurisprudence enforcement officers 8 ) infirmary occupants or housemans 9 ) professional staff individuals employed by a private organisation responsible for the attention, d etention and control of kids and in conclusion 10 ) any individual over 18 that has had preparation by societal services to acknowledge and describe kid maltreatment and disregard. Harmonizing to the Virginia Welfare web site there is a procedure that takes topographic point when a compulsory newsman studies a suspected instance of kid maltreatment or disregard. In the province of Virginia, the studies are made to the local section of societal services or to the kid maltreatment hotline. This province makes it clear that the studies should be made instantly after the first intuition. Either manner even if it could perchance be incorrect, a subdivision of the Virginia codification protects newsmans liability. However, they are non protected if it is proven they had a malicious purpose for describing a certain individual and kid. After the study is made, the staff of kid protective services reads it and determined whether is meets the legal definition of kid maltreatment or disregard. Consequently, if it does run into the legal definition so CPS has the power and duty to execute an probe or household rating. Last, the individual who does the coverage must supply as much information as possible to CPS. They are required to provide the name, reference or location of the individual who is suspected of being abused. The newsman must besides give every bit much information as perchance on the opprobrious state of affairs. Furthermore, there are legal effects in the province of Virginia for the failure to describe suspected maltreatment of a kid. They can be charged with a misdemeanour and be fined if they are found guilty. The mulct is up to five-hundred dollars for the first incident on a individual. However, the monetary value ranges from a hundred to one-thousand dollars for any undermentioned incidents. It is besides stated that if you unsure whether to describe or non, you should speak to societal services or the maltreatment hotline for counsel and aid. Last, it is non mentioned if there was anyone in particular who is exempt from describing child ill-treatment. The province of Virginia lists a clear cut list of people who can describe and anyone out of that list is exempt. 6. Harmonizing to the book Sentinals are people who are lawfully responsible for placing instances of suspected kid maltreatment and disregard and describing them to province bureaus for probe . It is highly time-consuming, dearly-won, requires tonss of engineering and preparation. The bad portion is that resources are finite and half the instances will non be looked at and those childs will maintain acquiring abused. Besides, the professionals who are supposed to be identifying instances are non making so for many grounds. Most of the clip, they believes that the evident was non sufficient plenty to do a study. They besides said that they would experience uncomfortable coming in contact with the household after they file an maltreatment study. Third off, registering a study and traveling for interviews would do them look bad every bit good as take up excessively much of their clip. Not to advert, they feared cases would come in their way if their study turned false even in good re ligion. Last, all of this means that the coverage of kid maltreatment is highly underreported. I agree with this chiefly because the definitions of what people consider maltreatment and disregard are really bleary. Everyone thinks they are so clear cut that any small grade on a kid could be abuse. Consequently, every bit much as there is underreporting of kid maltreatment, there are over coverage every bit good. Childs are childs and fall down all the clip. It is really hard to turn out instances if it s knowing or it was nt. Not to advert, there are many false coverage and hyperbole in some instances that are non every bit bad as 1s that are being overlooked. Compulsory coverage can come from reasonably much anyone a kid comes in contact with. Therefore, non everyone knows how to find what maltreatment is and what is non. This is a major job and compulsory coverage should merely non be extended to a batch of people in the kid s life. I would non state to get rid of it chiefly because the parents are non traveling to turn themselves in. However, physicians and professionals sh ould truly acquire their act together and thing of the kids instead than themselves. Possibly they should hold categories on kid maltreatment and how people of their sort are turning the other cheek and aching guiltless kids because of their deficiency of lovingness.

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Dream To Work In A Multinational Company Commerce Essay

A Dream To Work In A Multinational Company Commerce Essay it has always been a dream to work in a multinational company such as an oil and gas companies after my program in other to apply my skills learnt to the sector regarding business unethical practices and negligence of corporate social responsibility(CSR) by this companies in this sector. firstly it would be necessary to define CSR which is a situation where a company provides social benefit to the public which are required by law(Mc William and siegel 2001); while business ethics can be defined as† the study of business situation activities, decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed † (Crane and Matten 2004;8) CSR is highly required all organizations to fill in the short coming of government and provide needs of a community. The aim and objective of this write up is to point out the unethical practices, negligence and ineffective deliverance of CSR by the MNCs focusing on oil companies in Africa to their host communities. Analysis Despite some positive influence of oil companies through CSR like increase in developmental funding in 2001 by $500m(Frynas 2005) previous studies has shown that there are still cases where CSR has not had effect on the required beneficiaries through ineffectiveness , negligence and unethical practices by the companies. This can be proven through various situations in Africa has discussed it the course of this report , it can be seen that most CSR embarked upon by the MNCs are due to public and global pressure such case is that of shell and Ogoni , when visited by observers it was seen that the lack social amenities like Roads and electricity e.t.c.( World Business Council for Sustainable development 2008) despite this protest oil producing regions have not yet benefited from the wealth and are still left in poverty. In a statement by president of movement of survival of Ogoni people (mitte 1995) he says that the communities where not getting enough required social and infrastructures development, he al so pointed out that the companies are taking from the communities and not putting back into it and left in total neglect. this shows a great cases of negligence of CSR to their host environment which they are benefiting from financially, there also citing of abandoned projects which are meant to serve as CSR to the community example is an hospital abandoned by shell in Okoroba village Bayelsa for many years bust was completed due to pressure(Fryans 2005) this suggest that they don’t have good management or department to ensure that project that have been embarked upon by them are not left alone, some previous events indicates that CSR was adopted not for the benefit of the communities but for that of the companies so has to have competitive advantages and get favors from government representatives, In a report ChevronTexaco made a partnership deal of $50million with Us Agency For International Development (USAID) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Angola to coin cide with negotiations for it block O (Fryans 2005) another example is in Ughoton Nigeria (SPDC) built roads and also provided funds for schools and youth empowerment in the village but as soon as it well stop producing oil they also stopped their various projects (okunmadewa et al 2002,p 63) . it shows that it was not meant to benefit to society but the company because it made them look like a company that support development and if the negotiation did not fall through they might have withdrawn their partnership another case is of shell who grant development fund to it managers to put up projects in regions which it has activities so has to maintain peace between them and the communities once this activities are complete it development account is closed and the project are left alone which ever stage it has gotten too. evidence of non functioning project like that of shell which one-third of it project in Nigeria not running or are in operation(Nigeria and shell 2001) duo they are trying to help there is no sign if development due to the lack of smooth operations of this projects. lack of trained managers in CSR has made it difficult for most developmental plans see the light of day Frayans(2005) also confirmed this saying † major contract managers are not development specialist† and even if trained might be wrongly trained for instance British petroleum sent it managers to acquire skills on development in a business school instead of a development school Fraynas(2005) which would put them through all the stages of development , failure to have specialist and conduct investigation relating to what is required could make the aim of CSR not to be achieved e.g. in Angola BP donated condoms during a campaign for AIDS but without adequate investigation and consultation the aim of CSR was not met because the condoms where too small for African men (Fraynas 2005). There has also been cases relating to un ethical practices by the oil companies causing har m and increase level of poverty in the regions which they operate such as Niger Delta according to Eyina and Ukpo(2006) they state that † it will be correct to indicate that the greatest environmental problem with petroleum industry in Nigeria result from spillages†; In the early part of 2008 alone Nigeria recorded 418 spills(Vanguard Oct.29,2008) which affects the ecosystem and increases poverty due to the fact that most people in that region are farmers and fishermen. Further evidence of unethical practices can be seen in the technological method of production adopted by them which releases poisoned gas like CO2 and CO into the atmosphere(Aigbedion et al 2007) also Eyinla and Ukpo(2006) supported this by saying that the †soil ,rivers and creeks are now acidic†. which had influence the people indirectly because there drinking water and fishing occupation have been destroyed impact of oil exploitations has caused the soil not be good for planting and the wate r is contaminated with oil (Adepelum et al 2006).A report by Niger Delta Environmental Survey indicates that drilling activities in Niger delta has negative impact both † socio-economically and ecologically† (Nigeria Sunday Times 1998), Aigebedion(2005) also confirmed this that oil spillages has caused †ecological disturbance† .

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Categorical definition arguement writing about heros Essay

Categorical definition arguement writing about heros - Essay Example His personality used to be exalted. In mythology or in the great epic of the world Ramayana, the hero is Ram. Ram is shown as an obedient, selfless, and the most valiant person of the world. But in the modern time the concept of hero has changed. The hero is supposed to be the person who has glamour due to his qualities. The modern heroes can be of different field such as the hero in sport, cinema, or politics. The hero in modern term is the person who has his influence on the people and he is an idol for them. The influence of the hero could go even to that height where the ordinary people start thinking him as a divine figure and they worship him. In India, especially in South India the people are so crazy about films and the heroes of the film that they have built the temples of these heroes. It is the different thing whether these people deserve worship or not, but the major point here to be considered is that the height of influence of the hero can go at any stage. It is always the quality of the hero to battle hard and reach to the pinnacle of success by overcoming all odds. These heroes have tremendous power and strength. There are different types of heroes; among them are seeker, victim hero, anti-hero, tragic hero, epic hero, culture hero, folk hero and reluctant hero. A Hero is a man who ardently devotes his life to the divine and inner truth and shares his vision with the rest of the world. For Carlyle, this is the definition of a true man: one who is a deep and spiritual being, living his life by divine truths. Carlyle in his book â€Å"On Heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history,† he talks about the following different categories of the heroes† â€Å"All sorts of Heroes are intrinsically of the same material; that given a great soul, open to the Divine Significance of Life, then there is given a man fit to speak of this, to sing of this, to fight and work for this, in a great, victorious, enduring manner; there is

Monday, November 18, 2019

Efficient Management of Cost Centers in an Organization Research Paper

Efficient Management of Cost Centers in an Organization - Research Paper Example EVA accepts that capital is not available for free and imputes a notional value on the capital used by a business unit after considering the inherent risk involved in a business and the weighted average cost of total capital employed in the business. The earnings for the year are then examined in detail and any unusual or abnormal earnings and expenditures are removed to derive the normal earning for that year. If such adjusted earning is more than the cost of capital, the organization has created value; else, it has destroyed it (Grant 2003). Thus, EVA encourages managers to increase operating profits without injecting fresh capital, finding avenues for investment that would generate higher returns and reallocating funds from less profitable ventures to ones that are more profitable. This approach does not depend merely on the proper management of the balance sheet but also on the level of efficiency of an organization. If the balance sheet is not properly managed, a company might c arry a lot more capital than it actually requires thus unnecessarily increasing the desired levels of operating profit that would just match the weighted average cost of capital. Again, if the company is not run efficiently it would not be able to earn sufficient operating profits so as to qualify as a value creator. Definitions of cost centres vary from country to country and it would be worthwhile to investigate how cost centres are perceived in Germany and the United States. In Germany, Grenzplankostenrechnung (GPK), a common approach to cost accounting in that country, defines a subunit of an organization as a cost centre if the output of that subunit can be measured by a single unit.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Applying Risk Management Strategies Essay Example for Free

Applying Risk Management Strategies Essay In this PE assessment, we learned to apply risk management strategies to outdoor activities associated with the water/beach such as snorkelling and swimming. Our class practiced snorkelling skills (ie. Clearing snorkels, equalising, dolphin kicking) in the school pool and at Picnic Bay/Mangawhai which was preparation for snorkelling at Goat Island marine reserve. We analysed the possible risks and hazards that could occur during these activities and the factors that may cause them. As a class, we had to come up with strategies to prevent these risks and hazards to insure everybody’s safety. (Strategy 1) In any activity relating to water, the biggest issue would be someone drowning or getting lost out to sea due to strong currents which may lead to an even worse scenario such as death. So we decided that having safety buddies was a suitable strategy to apply to these risks. We had to pair up with a classmate and they would be your safety for whatever activity. We did not have designated safety buddies so we paired up with different people most of the time. A safety buddy’s job is to make sure your buddy was fine and dandy and nothing was wrong, insuring each other’s safety. If your buddy was in danger or in distress, it would be your job to aid him or notify a supervisor depending how severe the situation was. For example, my safety buddy was Joshua. I unluckily suffered a muscular cramp in my calf when we were in the estuary (Picnic Bay). This situation could easily escalate to a more severe situation, but I was able to tell my safety buddy Joshua that I was in distress and he notified Ms Parkinson (supervisor) who told me to swim back ashore before carrying on any further into the strong currents. Another example would be when we were at Goat island, when we were exploring the waters, only one of you are allowed to dive down under at a time while your safety buddy had to watch over you. This made sure we were supervised by someone at all times so we did not lose one another. If we were allowed to dive whenever we wished, we could easily lose sight of each other and split up. This strategy is relevant to these risks during snorkelling because it is suitable for any outdoor activity that involves a group or class that lack a number of parent or teacher supervisors, since 1 or 2 upervisors cannot always keep an eye of every single student. So relying on classmates was better and efficient alternative. I think this has a positive effect on us students because our safety lies in the hands of our classmates, so it requires us to be more responsible and cooperative, hence it aspires us to be a more responsible, sensible and mature person working better with others. In my opinion, we should’ve been entitled/assigned to a buddy so that the person you were paired up with would be your buddy at all times. This could potentially save a bit more time before starting activities where as we would have to choose anyone before each activity. Also this could improve our social kills, working better with others and having a chance to get along with everyone. (Strategy 2) Throughout these activities we used equipment such as snorkel masks, flippers and wetsuits. Knowingly, the gear that we used required certain care to prevent any damage to them. if the equipment was damaged in any way then we’d have to replace or pay for the damages inflicted to the gear. especially when we were at Goat Island, where we hired the gear. All of them needed to fit properly or else they could pose multiple issues to us. We also used suitable gear to protect us from several risks we would encounter in the water. Risks such as getting sunburnt, and also our hair was an issue as it would get in the way and get caught in your mask. So the risk management strategies we used were looking after the gear, providing adequate care, and make sure the equipment was a suitable for you. For example, when we were snorkelling in the water, if the masks were too loose and did not seal tightly, water would seep through into the mask which may become an irritation when in the water. Your flippers needed to fit properly and feel comfortable. If they were too tight they would eventually begin to hurt your feet and if they were too loose they would fall off. For me, if the flippers did not fit comfortably, it made me more vulnerable to foot or leg cramps, which could possibly advance to a more dangerous situation. At Goat island we hired wetsuits, which provided sun protecting when we were in the water since the sunscreen would’ve been washed off. We were also provided with head caps which help keep out hair in place and prevent foreign organism from getting in there. e were advised not to sit on the rocks , as this would scratch holes onto the backside of the wetsuit. Having these risk management strategies for our equipment was relevant since the gear we used at Goat Island were not our own and were hired locally, it meant extra caution and care would be needed when using their equipment. Not applying these strategies could create potential risks which cou ld jeopardize our safety. These strategies allowed us to snorkel comfortably in the water without complication such as getting burnt or constantly adjusting your mask. Also when we were done with the gear, no damage was inflicted to any equipment. When we were practising snorkelling in-school. We should have had our own snorkel and flippers to use. Since a people were complaining about the sizing on the flippers and snorkels. OR each student should’ve chosen their flippers and snorkels at the very beginning of the assessment, and they would keep and use them throughout the whole standard. This could be a better alternative than students having to try on the gear and find out which one fits for them at the beginning of each period when snorkelling. Strategy 3) We identified that the weather was a risk as it can affect us in a lot of ways. Factors such as how strong and direction of winds, tides, currents and swells could affect our safety and determined how good our snorkel experience will be. Checking the weather forecast prior to doing our activities/going on trips was a relevant strategy to this risk because it gave us a fair idea on what to expect, allowing us to prepare for what additional things we’d have to bring or if we decide whether or not to postpone the trip. We would have to check the weather ourselves the day before we wanted to do any activity. Ms Parkinson would check as well and show the class, for those who didn’t check. When we were preparing to go to Mangawhai and Goat island we check the winds, tides, currents and swells together as a class and decide whether the conditions were suitable or not. At our first Mangawhai trip, and also the Goat Island trip, the weather was expected to be good, sunny/ clear skies, so we brought sunscreen and a hat(if you wanted to) to protect us from the sun and getting sunburnt. On our second trip to Mangawhai , the weather wasn’t as great, as there were strong winds, strong currents and big swells. This meant the visibility wasn’t very good in the water, and the strong wind caused us to become very cold quickly, especially when we got out of the water. We brang warm clothing such as a sweater, track pants etc, to keep warm since getting hypothermia could have possibly been a risk. Some people (Bryn and William) brung their own wetsuits when we went to Mangawhai so that they’d stay warm in the water. This strategy helped us prepare and adapt to the weather so that none of us were really affected significantly. Next time, extra dates should be reserved when going on out of school trips such as Picnic bay (Mangawhai). Since the weather on one of the trips weren’t very good because of strong winds, currents and big swells, which limited our time in the water because of people, such as myself, became colder more quickly. Postponing to a reserved day where the weather was better(hopefully), would mean a better snorkelling experience, and would lessen the chances of people getting a cold or hypothermia.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Film Swades by Ashutosh Gowariker Essay -- India Indian Film Movie

Swades After the international success (including an Academy Award nomination) of Lagaan (2001), writer-producer-director Ashutosh Gowariker’s follow-up is at first glance a very different film: whereas Lagaan gave new life to the Hindi â€Å"historical† film by being located entirely in 1893 and in Champaner, an imaginary Indian village, Swades opens with a shot of the globe that zooms down into contemporary Washington DC, where its hero, so unlike the earlier film’s simple villager Bhuvan, is a manager working on NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement project. Whereas Bhuvan, lacking the ability to converse in English, nevertheless has to learn the wily ways of the British colonial rulers in order to literally beat them at their own game, Mohan Bhargava (Shah Rukh Khan), the hero of Swades, is apparently a fully assimilated, literally globalized scientist who skillfully handles a press conference in high-tech, jargon-laden English. And whereas Lagaan begi ns with the imposing voice-over of Amitabh Bachchan’s immaculate Hindi, that language won’t be heard in the â€Å"Hindi† film Swades for almost ten minutes, and then as hybrid â€Å"Hinglish† spoken by Mohan and his colleague Vinod. But Swades soon draws Mohan back to his native India and to Charanpur, another imaginary village, in search of his beloved Kaveriamma (veteran actress Kishori Ballal, most notable in Kannada theatre, film, and television), the humble woman who raised him but who he has shamefully neglected following the death of his parents in a car crash when he was in college. Once the film adds a romance with Gita (Gayatri Joshi in her film debut), a village belle and schoolteacher of the feisty and independent sort, and begins to focus upon a goal (the generation o... ..., auditions, and â€Å"Social Relevance Information.† The latter consists of a summary of India’s caste system â€Å"complied only for the purpose of the film and necessarily does not coincide with any other researched sources.† Truly interested viewers might nevertheless be encouraged to seek out â€Å"other researched sources.† Works Cited Jigna Desai, â€Å"Planet Bollywood: Indian Cinema Abroad† in East Main Street: Asian American Popular Culture. Ed. Shilpa Dave, LeLani Nishime, and Tasha G. Oren. New York: NYU Press, 2005. Sunaina Marr Maira, Desis in the House: Indian American Youth Culture in New York City. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2002. Vijay Mishra, Bollywood Cinema: Temples of Desire. London: Routledge, 2002. Arvind Rajagopal, Politics after Television: Hindu Nationalism and the Reshaping of the Public in India. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Looking for Alibrandi: Influence of Family Essay

Family has a strong influence on everybody’s lives, it often affects the way everyone views themselves and how people view others. How we are raised will also affect our personalities, relationships and judgement of others. The novel Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta comprises all these factors around the characters in the story. Everyone’s persona is based on what our family teaches us. Our persona reflects on how parents raise their children. Josie grew up fatherless which caused her sense of insecurity leaving a void that couldn’t be filled. Until Michael Andretti showed up but ‘seventeen-year olds don’t need a father ‘ because Josie can’t the sudden change that was occurring in her life. Jacob grew up motherless never learning the true meaning of love and family, ‘his found his place’ in society and is content on staying that way never questioning or trying to change these boundaries however ‘if his mother was still alive he’d probably be a better person. ‘ John Barton coming from a well-known and respected family has everything people all want looks, money, name and power ‘a step in the door’ that would lead to a better future yet with all those going for him his self-esteem didn’t change. Relationships are formed through bonding and time spent one another. Josie and her mother Christina ‘have a pretty good relationship if a bit erratic’ like teenage girls Josie is at her teenage years of rebellion which is why there are times they have disagreements and fallouts but eventually make-up since they would feel guilty with the time apart from each other. They are able to influence each other because of this mother daughter unit, ‘I’ve spent my how life trying to impress her because I know that deep down she is the only person who loves me for who I am.’ John Barton and Josie’s relationship was based on admiration of one another because of their intellectual minds. They are attuned to each other since they share similar thoughts about society, school and individual opinion. How everyone was viewed in the story affected the way they treated everyone. With Josie’s perception of everyone around not fitting in because of culture held her back critically. Her judgment based on people was stereo typing every person from their nationality, culture and class. That is why names such as ‘wog’, ‘ethnic’ or ‘Australian’ were often heard in conversations of the story. Or as Lee would say ‘The rich marry the rich, Josie, and the poor marry the poor. The dags marry the dags, and the wogs marry the wogs.’ Since she believes that the world around us will never change and people only associate with others like themselves. To conclude, family plays a very hefty role in all people’s lives, they are the foundation of a person no matter how much they try to deny its ‘nailed into you so deep you can’t escape it.’ Just as Josie, Jacob and John they have all grown up in different family environment and that has all affected them differently.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Theory of Cultural Value Orientations: Explication and Applications.

A Theory of Cultural Value Orientations: Explication and Applications. Shalom H. Schwartz, social psychologist and author of  a theory of cultural value orientations has done research on  universal values  and how they exist in a wide variety of contexts. Most of his work addressed broad questions about values, such as: how are individuals’ priorities affected by social experiences, how do individuals’ priorities influence their behavior and choices, and, how do value priorities influence ideologies, attitudes, and actions in political, religious, environmental, and other domains.Through his studies, Schwartz concluded that ten types of universal values exist: achievement, benevolence, conformity,  hedonism, power, security, self-direction, stimulation, tradition, and  universalism. Schwartz also tested the possibility of  spirituality  as an eleventh universal value, but found that it did not exist in all cultures. Schwartz's value theory and instruments are part of the biannual  European Social Survey.His work presents a theory of seven cultural value orientations that form three cultural value dimensions. applies it to understanding relations of culture to significant societal phenomena. In this theory we can find Shwartz’s conception of culture, a conception of the normative value system that underlies social practices and institutions. He derived seven value orientations that are useful for describing and comparing societies. His research is based on analyses of data across 75 countries.Using the cultural orientations, Shwartz generated a worldwide empirical mapping of 75 national cultures that identifies 7 transnational cultural groupings: West European, English-speaking, Latin American, East European, South Asian, Confucian influenced, and African and Middle Eastern. There are briefly discussed cultural characteristics of these groupings. Also I’ve found   the examples of socioeconomic, political, and demogra phic factors that give rise to national differences on the cultural value dimensions, factors that are influenced by culture.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

History repeats itsself Essays

History repeats itsself Essays History repeats itsself Paper History repeats itsself Paper The most solemn humbug which does duty as a profound historical reflection is, that history repeats itself, a quote cyclic historians live by, having been their doctrine for over a century. This belief that our past directly influences the present and future is a way of life for some people; and is a very realistic belief. Through our past experiences, we as humans learn, grow, and develop Into creative beasts. When I was young, my life was crafted Into the masterpiece It Is today. In kindergarten, through the meticulous and crazy surroundings, my extreme sense of amour was crafted by my uncles. The memory In question was at a Christmas at my grandmas house, we had Just opened our presents, and I had gotten -a game which still holds the number one spot In my heart Crop: The Legend of the Gobos. Whilst the game was cutesy and fun In nature, my less than experienced uncles began playing it, and immediately starting raging. The language was. Colorful to say the least. I remember when I finally got my hands on the game, my uncles still encircling the faintly glowing green LED, awaiting for someone to finally beat the first couple of screens. I was finally handed the controller, and with my 5 year old vocabulary proceeded to berate the game. From calling the cutesy unreachable gobos potsherd, to calling the game a poop covered game, that language and love of attention was etched onto my psyche, forever being a part of my life. From small events such as overcoming a booboo, to the constant attention one received as a newborn; every event in our lives moulds us into the people we are today. Even though we may not believe in it, our past greatly influences our futures, much like cyclic historians view points.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Managing Workplace Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Managing Workplace Diversity - Essay Example However what happens is something that is totally out of the related contexts. People get harassed by a number of issues – gender based, racial, age wise or any other. However, for the sake of discussion regarding this paper, an important aspect of race has been pinpointed and the same has been elaborated upon within the workplace dimensions in the changing business scenarios of present times. The workplace diversity discussions therefore would be the prime objective here as these will be linked in close association with how the element of race is propagated, used, misused and later on philosophically handled for restoring the sanity of the organization. Definition of Workplace Diversity It is first and foremost to define what workplace diversity basically entails within it. ... Within a workplace realm, it is mandatory for the employers to bring about a culture that easily accepts people from different groups, communities and societies so to speak. This is because it will set a good precedent for the company under consideration, and give it the required mileage as and when needed. It will also tell the organization where it has to beef up on its diversity related aspects when there is a dire need to set things right, and bring about an iota of difference within the related ranks. Issues Surrounding Workplace Diversity Workplace diversity does have a number of issues that are brought under its aegis. When the employees are being shabbily treated due to their family or ancestral backgrounds, there is the important discussion of race which is brought to the fore (Cable & Yu, 2011). When there are impending issues due to age aspects of the employees, the age factor is given consideration and when there are gender related biases happening at the workplace, the e lement of gender is given more significance than can be thought of. What is absolutely abysmal is the view that all such problems are brought to the fore in one context or the other, whereby they hamper the smooth communication and interaction mechanisms which take place within an organization and create significant issues within the diversity that has thus been created all this while. In fact, this workplace diversity takes the backseat and the eventual beating at the hands of those employees who have evil or ulterior motives right from the very beginning. The communication domains within the organization are important because if the racial discriminatory aspects come to the fore, these could bring about serious anomalies within the organization. If the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The History and Journey of the Navajo Indian Tribe Essay

The History and Journey of the Navajo Indian Tribe - Essay Example There is an overwhelming source of works written, researched, viewed by people from all walks of life on the Navajo Indian Tribe. The enormity of information and data would already reveal the abundance of valuable wealth this tribe have shared to the history and culture of the American people. Who exactly are the Navajos? How come so many historians, anthropologists and scholars have been interested to know them and to be part of their cultural heritage? Where have they originated? What were their challenges and successes as a people? How are they now? The objectives of this essay are briefly summarized as follows: 1.To gain knowledge on the Navajo Indian Tribe: their attributes and characteristics, way of life, culture, livelihood and religious practices. 2.To explore their history and journey with them through time. 3.To determine their contribution to the human race. It is the objective of this essay to present their historical path and determine their legacy to the future. II. THE NAVAJO INDIANS The Navajo Indians are the largest tribe of North America. According to articles on the Navajo People found in Wikipedia, â€Å"the name ‘NAVAJO’ comes from the late 18th century via the Spanish (Apaches de) Navajo, Apaches of Navajo, which was derived from the Tewa navahe, ‘fields adjoining a ravine’†. It is interesting to note that the Navajo call themselves DINE, which means, â€Å"the people†. They now occupy a large area of cultivated land, named NAVAJO, in what is now Arizona and New Mexico.