Saturday, December 7, 2019

Women Have Achieved Equality At Long Last -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Women Have Achieved Equality At Long Last? Answer: Introduction Gender inequality is the situation where men and women are not treated equally i.e. they are provided unequal treatment. The perception of the people depends on the gender i.e. if there is male, the perception would be different and if there is female, the perception would be different. Thus, gender roles plays a major role in any field either it is education or politics or health and many more. The definition of gender equality is interpreted and has changed its meaning too. It can be said that opportunities provided to the person are biased i.e. there is no equal opportunities provided to male and females. There has been a huge gap between the opportunities owned by the males and females (YKA, 2016). Gender inequality can also be denoted as the gap between the male and female that takes place because of the differences in the status, power and prestige that men and women have in particular group. Today though the gap is decreasing day by day, there are still some major issues which should be prioritized as soon as possible. . So, male and female are at the end boosting themselves to decrease the gap between them. The gender gap issue is not simple and also cannot be easily removed. Thus it will need some patience as well as time to eradicate it from root (Ackerman, 2016). According to the research done in 2016-17, a data based on the workplace environment was released by Workplace Gender Equality Agency i.e.WGEA. It was found that in order to improve the economic condition of the country, many people are taking part in actions that will address the pay gaps and difference in the genders. This is known as gender imbalances. It also shows that nearly four million employees and 11000 employers are showing a great improvement in terms of employer awareness. Today in many countries like Australia, men are still earning more if compared to women across all the industry and occupations. One cannot say its all about the choices that favours them and choices are like for the post whether one is a manager or a scientist or a baker but it is all about the gender pay gap. The study also shows that 15.3% of the employees are still not working enough to reduce the gap. It will definitely take time to reduce it to 0%. There are several steps if followed can reduce the gender gap (Hilton, 2017). Several Steps followed to reduce gap Training is the first step to it. It is very important to generate awareness of when and how unconscious biases are boosting up and creating a creepy environment. All the employees in an organization should be well trained so that they will be able to pick a subtle job for them which can enhance the potential in an applicant and also motivate them to do perform their job with dedication and efficiency. Avoiding Masculine language The second step is to avoid using masculine language. Masculine language includes using the forms of adjectives like competitive and dynamic which makes a women feel like they cannot fit into such culture because they will often think the particular culture to be men oriented. They will always demotivate themselves and think that the culture is biased and made only for men. For instance, men will be provided more opportunities and women will feel like they cannot perform any work better than men. Ensuring Salaries at par The third thing to be done is ensuring the salaries of both male and female on par if they are playing a similar role and have the same level of experience as well i.e. if a male and female are holding the same position, there should not be any biasness in terms of salary. For this, flexibility in the workplace is the most important factor. More there is flexibility in the workplace, more will be the output and less will be the issues regarding the gender gaps. Thus, through the several efforts, the gap has been reduced to 2% and soon will be on soon on zero (Trachsel, 2014). Why is HR important? Human resource is the way of producing the maximum output with minimum resources. It works as multiplier to the organization only if is used strategically. HR plays a major role in obtaining the greatest resource because if a company will not have good employees, it was never succeed and no ideas and plans can be implemented successfully. HR are the one who works on the several areas and aims at providing advices as an experts. They focus on the all the functions and aims at financial growth of the company (Camps, 2012). Moreover, HR works as an advocate for the employees. They train their employees well and make them focused towards their job and provide benefits and solve all the issues existing in the company. The role of HR affects the overall performance of the organization. When it comes to issues like gender equality and other many issues, these are all taken into consideration by HR (Adamson. 2009). HR helps to avoid all the issues on the highest priority and makes their empl oyee more focused and dedicated towards their job responsibilities. HR also enables to provide the work environment which should be flexible for all regardless of males or females. A good HR helps to create a positive environment and solve all the problems of the employees professionally. Today, the issues of gender inequality is striking and less concerned about because it seems not be a big issue but in fact, it should be the most serious issue to be concerned about and paid attention on (Doward, 2017). According to the interview conducted based on the human rights and the challenges faced by the women, it was found that there are still several management positions which are filled by males instead of females. There are not enough women on the management positions. It was said that it is quite easy to dismiss the structure of the women right of other places but when it comes to own place, it becomes difficult. Tara Moss is the advocate of the human right. She said that the voices of women are still unheard in public despite of any field like politics or education or a small organization as well. She also said that women should be given equal right and unique position to get a positive difference in any field. They should be given opportunity to speak up and work intelligently and passionately as well. Every women today should compete with the men and should ensure that they can perform better and think better (Moss, 2017). Gender inequality in an organization is a very complex and tough phenomenon that can easily be seen on the organizational structure, process, procedures and practises. Some major gender inequalities are connected to HR practises for females which takes place because of the practises performed by HR. HR practises affect hiring, training, pay and promotion of females (Hook, 2010). For this, a model has been proposed that will eliminate gender discrimination. This model will focus on the nature of these inequalities in an organization. The decision making factors include leadership, strategy, culture and HR policies. Similarly, the decision makers can bias while following the HR practises. This model helps to portray gender inequality as a self-reinforcing system which will provide a socializing context (Hing, 2015). Difficulties faced According to the recent study, it was found that the difficulties that the women face in the workplace are sexual harassment and pregnancy discrimination. These are the major two factor that leads to create challenges in the workplace. Sexual harassment and pregnancy discrimination plays a very vital role in in the workplace because it creates number of challenges and obstacles for a women to perform better in an organization. These factors makes a women weak and demotivate them to work efficiently and stay dedicated towards their job. Sexual Harassment It was seen that two in three women have experienced harassment at work which is very big issue at the workplace. It will create a negativity in the working environment and women will step back to work. This type of culture will enable women to fight for their rights because of the unwanted feeling generated (Ridgeway, 2011). Pregnancy Discrimination Likewise, managing pregnancy and working is quite difficult. Though, women do it successfully. But the study found that the cost generated for the company when a women is on maternity leave is useless. Women who are pregnant and still work should be given special amenities but when it comes to workplace, they are discriminated and not supported as well. Pregnancy discrimination has created a disadvantages at the workplace (Suff, 2016). Several technological advancement are taken place in the society but gender inequality in the workplace still exists. Women are less paid and they are less promoted with lesser opportunities too. HR helps to fill this gap by monitoring, addressing and at the end solving the problem. In order to address gender inequality, HR should focus on these segments: It should motivate employees to give importance to gender diversity i.e. company should be transparent to its people. Everyone should be given equal right to cultivate themselves in the company. Major HR practises Ensuring that all the HR practises are done fairly i.e. hiring and recruiting, promoting and training. If there will be transparency in each HR policies, it will create a great way to avoid biasness. For it, auditing behind the screen for the candidates was done where everything was crystal clear to the other candidates. Training and development Train employees to reduce biased behaviour. Every managers in the company should be trained enough of how to avoid such bias if seen and what will be major action plan to be implemented to discourage such things. A short training program should be organized where they should be trained that gender inequality and biasness is not at all a part of company policies and it will not be tolerated at any cost if existed. Results and accountability Focus on result and accountability. A company should start building a metrics system that will examine the issues and one can see the progress over time to time. The improvements and progress can be tracked and worked on (Silas, 2017). Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that Women and girls have done enough to fight for their rights and they have suffered a lot. Now its time to root out all the issues related to gender gap regardless of any field i.e. management, education or health. Though no country have yet got full gender equality but all those are working for it. Today, almost every country wants to reduce the gap between the genders and solve all the issues related to this. For this, they are implementing all the HR practises fairly and they are also allowing women not to suffer from the effects of culture change, conflict and discrimination. All the resources needed should be available at the right time to the right people (Caspani, 2015). Likewise, all the organization today should try to eliminate the issue of gender inequality rather than focusing on other issues because in every organization, men and women both are equal in generating the success factor and creating a positive environment. Providing equal pay off , providing equal opportunities will help an organization to create transparency (Sharma, 2011). References Ackerman pierce. (2016). Gender Equality in HR. viewed on 24th January, 2018. Available on: Adamson. H. (2009). Why is HR important? Viewed on 24th January, 2018. Available on: Camps, J. and Luna?Arocas, R. (2012). A matter of learning: How human resources affect organizational performance. 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